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Detox - Bath and Soak Salts


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BATH SOAKS & SALTS ARE FABULOUS WELLNESS HABITS TO INTEGRATE INTO YOUR WEEKLY HEALTH ROUTINE. CLEANSING BATH SOAK Tone, cleanse and balance your skin with this ultra rich antioxidant Soak. recommended for those who suffer from any skin inflammation,fungal issues,hemorrhoids, psoriasis, or sensitive + acne prone skin that can still benefit from bath time. šŸŒæ None of the salts inside our blends have been refined, bleached or otherwise altered. šŸŒæ INGREDIENTS: * Dead Sea Salt - Assists with lymphatic fluid balance, combats stress by slowing the nervous system, energizes the body and balances skin moisture, increases circulation and prevents water retention, and eases muscle stiffness. * Epsom Salt - Reduce stiffness and soreness of the joints * Utah Salt, Unrefined - assists with skin toning, as well as relaxing * Himalayan Pink Salt - assists in toning, and deep pore cleansing. * Dendritic Salt - to retain the scent longer inside the product * Celtic Sea Salt - to add a unique color created by nature. ^ Colloidal Oatmeal - provides skin healing benefits . ^ Coconut Powder - Skin softener + inflammation reducer ^ Evaporated Cane Sugar - sweet, skin softener that melts slowly. * Jojoba Beads - Skin softener and rejuvenator * Bentonite Clay - Exfoliates and draws impurities from the body. * Allantoin Powder (from comfrey) - Stimulates growth of healthy tissue ^ Green Tea - Anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, antioxidant. ^ Hibiscus Powder - Helps tighten and cleanse the skin surfaces ^ Witch Hazel Bark Powder - Anti-inflammatory and astringent. ^ Aloe Powder - Excellent soother for all sorts of skin condition. * Essential Oil Blend - Fir, cypress, juniper berry, cedarwood, fennel and ^ tea tree. (^) denotes a certified organic ingredient